Freshwater Short Fin Eel care sheet
Anguilla reinhardtii, Australian Fresh Water Short Fin Eel, found coastal streams of eastern Australian can also occur in New Guinea.
This is an interesting ‘oddball’ addition for an unheated tank. Provide some hiding places and ensure the tank has an extremely tight-fitting heavy lid. Eels are very strong and MASTERS OF ESCAPE! They are very hardy and can become quite tame and make great interactive pets.
Difficulty Intermediate
Max Growth Size 100-150 cm
Temperament Predatory, ignores fish it can’t swallow
Temperature 8-26 degrees Celsius
pH Level 6.8 – 8.0
General Hardness Moderate
Carnivore, prefers live or frozen foods. Will eat other fish in tank if they can fit in its Mouth.
*Long fin eels (also Anguilla reinhardtii) have similar requirements. However, they can grow to much larger sizes (1.7metres and 22kg) and can be considerably more aggressive.