Exotics & Miscellaneous Fish

Axolotl - Assorted Seconds (Local) L-15

Axolotl - Assorted Seconds (Local) L-15

Scientific Name: Ambystoma mexicanum Seconds are likely to have no feet due to the fighting amongst juveniles. They do grow back!

Axolotl - Gold Seconds (Local) SM-9

Axolotl - Gold Seconds (Local) SM-9

Scientific Name: Ambystoma mexicanum Seconds are likely to have no feet due to the fighting amongst juveniles. They do grow back!

Axolotl - Gold Seconds (Local) XL-18 (1 ONLY!)

Axolotl - Gold Seconds (Local) XL-18 (1 ONLY!)

Scientific Name: Ambystoma mexicanum Seconds are likely to have no feet due to the fighting amongst juveniles. They do grow back!

Axolotl - Olive / Wild Seconds (Local) XL-18

Axolotl - Olive / Wild Seconds (Local) XL-18

Scientific Name: Ambystoma mexicanum Seconds are likely to have no feet due to the fighting amongst juveniles. They do grow back!

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